Lastly, click the AutoCorrect tab and uncheck the check boxes next to any features you don't want.Next, click the AutoFormat As You Type tab and uncheck the check boxes next to any features you don't want.Click the AutoFormat tab, and uncheck the check boxes next to any features you don't want.Quick Guide: To Turn Off Automatic Formatting in Word It also might not hurt to take a gander through your Replace Text as you Type list as well, to see if there are entries that you find more annoying than helpful. (If you just enter 18/28, then Excel assumes you are entering either a date or text. Thus, if you wanted to enter a fraction such as 18/28, you would enter 0 18/28 into the cell. Related Items: Microsoft, Microsoft Word. Excel allows you to enter fractions into cells, provided you preface the entry with a zero and a space. Next, go to the Home tab, and from the Font dropdown, select any font you like. From there, you'll want to uncheck those features that you don't want from the AutoFormat tab, the AutoFormat As You Type tab and the AutoCorrect tab. Did you know you can use Word 2010 AutoCorrect to automatically replace words or add symbols beyond basic Latin characters Here’s how. Once you’re done, select it and on the ‘Design’ tab, click the ‘Normal Text’ button on the Tools box. PowerPoint is an effective visual aid, as you can use it to present concise bits of information using graphics, words and numbers. Most of these "helper" features are found under Word Options in the AutoCorrect Options window. This is one of the questions that I get most from people: "How do I make Word stop doing that? How do I get it to stop changing things without me telling it to?" It will automatically fix two capital letters at the beginning of sentences, create a numbered list whenever you start a line with a number, create automatic bulleted lists, change the size of some of your fractions, and more. In the Word Options window, click the Proofing option in the left navigation pane. Click the Options link in the left navigation pane.
Microsoft Word takes care of a lot of formatting for you by default. To enable or disable the AutoFormat feature and options in Microsoft Word, follow the steps below for the version of Word on your computer.